
Exploring Boise: My Experience as a Parametrix Office Exchange Traveler


Parametrix recently launched a new program called POET, which stands for Parametrix Office Exchange Traveler. This program creates the opportunity for employee-owners to travel to one of our 12 offices throughout the West for training, teaching, empowerment, and fun, all while getting to meet fellow employee-owners face to face. Jenica Hillyard, a transportation engineer from our Bremerton, WA office traveled to our Boise, ID office in late October. Read about her experience below.

Spending the last week of October in the Boise Office was such an amazing experience! I escaped the early morning Seattle fog and enjoyed the sunrise while passing over the Cascade Mountains.

Upon my arrival, I was given the grand tour of the Boise Office. Coming from a smaller office made up of multiple disciplines, it was exciting to see so many fellow transportation designers and engineers all in one office!

I took the advice given to me by Panda Express and learned as much as I could about the Boise team, including recent projects they have been involved in and the type of clients they typically work with.


Apparently, I got lucky and snuck in at the tail end of the beautiful fall weather. The trees were full of color and I enjoyed my lunch while soaking up the 70-degree sunshine alongside the Boise River, just a few steps from the office.


I stayed downtown and spent my evenings wandering up and down the exceptionally clean streets of the capital city, sometimes hopping on a green bike or electric scooter to see more of the area. Riding along the greenbelt was fantastic and such a relaxing way to end the day.

On Thursday, I enticed everyone with a free lunch in exchange for attending my presentation. The presentation included some background on myself and what projects I have been working on.

Then I got to be part of the bean-boozling fun at the end of the staff meeting. When something big happens for someone on the team, they “get” to spin the wheel to determine which jelly bean to eat. The jelly bean could be delicious or disgusting… mine was rotten eggs… yuck.

I was treated to an authentic Idaho potato lunch with the team at Boise Fry Company, where I tried blueberry ketchup and habanero ranch for the first time.

There was a long list of fun things I wanted to do while in Boise. Before I left town, I made sure I squeezed in a sunset hike to Table Rock (AMAZING!), spent a couple hours exploring the Idaho State History Museum, strolled through the street art of Freak Alley, visited the Old Idaho Penitentiary, and cheered on my fellow Utah State Aggies at a women’s soccer game against Boise State.


I am so glad I had the opportunity to travel to the Boise office as part of the POET Program! It was a very valuable experience being able to meet fellow Parametrix employee-owners and discuss future opportunities for collaboration and establish connections for mentorship. Thank you to the Boise office staff for their generosity and helping me feel welcome during my stay! I’m already looking forward to a return visit!

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