I-40 is a critical national freight route and the primary east-west route through New Mexico. In collaboration with the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT), Parametrix developed the I-40 Corridor Study for this 150- mile corridor that stretches from the Arizona-New Mexico state line to Albuquerque.
A Forward-Thinking Solution
The study provides a long-term plan for this section of I-40 to improve traveler safety, operations, and reliability; the condition of the roadway; and accommodate future growth. Several critical issues were identified to be addressed including safety, pavement and bridge condition, drainage, traffic management during construction and incidents, and Intelligent Transportation Systems. The preferred alternative is a future-focused roadway design that meets current and projected traffic demands between now and 2050. This includes an enhanced two-lane roadway that is designed on a three-lane footprint to easily expand I-40 to three lanes in each direction in the future if needed.

Example of existing conditions on I-40, a two-lane roadway in each direction with four-foot inside shoulders and ten-foot outside shoulders
Using Innovative Technology
Several innovative technologies were incorporated into the project, including a GIS digital twin that includes over 100 data layers and documents that provide roadway, traffic, utilities, drainage, and environmental information for the corridor. As part of the digital twin, the project team developed an application that uses the GIS layers to generate an engineering scoping report within seconds. This report can identify critical roadway issues to address within a specified area of I-40. Big data was also used to understand traffic speeds and the origins and destinations of passenger and commercial vehicles. In addition, a culvert risk assessment tool was developed to prioritize risks and identify maintenance needs.
To learn more, visit the project website.