Atrisco Vista Boulevard

This project includes reconstruction of Atrisco Vista Boulevard from Double Eagle II Road to Paseo del Norte. The roadway reconstruction will include bike lane, pedestrian facility, lighting, signage, ITS, and drainage improvements. Parametrix worked with Bernalillo County to complete a Phase 1-A/B Study (design analysis report) to determine the improvement needs and alignment of Atrisco Vista Boulevard from Double Eagle II Airport Road north to Southern Boulevard. The study resulted in a recommended alignment, conceptual design plans, right-of-way needs, and environmental investigations for the overall 0.75 mile corridor.

Parametrix completed planning, environmental documentation, and preliminary and final design services for Atrisco Vista Boulevard north of Double Eagle II Airport Road to Paseo del Norte. The improvements included realigning the roadway to provide a safer design through the reverse curve immediately north of Double Eagle II Road, reconstructing the roadway with two 12-foot lanes and 8-foot shoulders, and reconstructing the intersection at Paseo del Norte. Grading for a future 10-foot-wide bicycle and pedestrian path along the east side of the roadway was also included as well as drainage and lighting improvements.  

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