Broadway & 94th Pump Station Upgrade

Parametrix has worked with the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) to upgrade more than 15 pump stations and force main infrastructure. The Broadway & 94th pump station is a critical facility that provides reliable sanitary sewage pumping for the upstream community and conveys wastewater safely to the downstream plant. The existing facility was nearly 40 years old, was not seismically resilient, and was located at the end of a local drainage pathway, which resulted in sediment inundation.

This upgrade and replacement project involved design of wet well improvements, new 155 gpm submersible pumps, a new electrical controls building, and a new generator. The new facility provides the community with a higher level of resiliency. Flooding risks are greatly reduced and new safety measures ensure that the pump station will switch to a backup generator during power outages. A green roof provides energy savings, reduces the temperature of the roof surface and surrounding air, and provides more visual appeal. Pervious pavement reduces surface water accumulation and runoff, reducing heat and improving safety.

BES and Parametrix used this project to pilot project delivery via 3D BIM software. The team heavily leveraged the 3D BIM model during the alternatives analysis, including in review meetings with various project partners, to explore in real time how equipment could best be arranged. Modeling how all components would work together also increased integration between disciplines. The model allowed partners such as the City’s operations and maintenance staff to walk through the model to confirm clearances. It also helped City Council members to better understand the project during their review and approval process. This delivery approach is now BES’ standard for these project types.

“Parametrix has provided excellent engineering and project management services for the Broadway & 94th Pump Station Upgrade project. They listened to our requests and worked with us to find a solution that fit our needs, especially for the Operation and Maintenance Group. They collaborated and established a great working relationship with our staff. In addition, the use of BIM enhanced the design review meetings between BES staff and Parametrix and allowed staff to engage in meaningful discussions.”

Broadway & 94th Pump Station Upgrade


City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Sciences

Portland, OR
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